Looks like Petrol D0llars returning to the US is exceeding the Federal Reserve’s ability to repatriate them through the Feds monetization of US Housing Bonds. Hopefully in exchange for the over $1 trillion the Federal Govt has given to the Federal Reserve Banks, it would seem fair to allow the US Treasury to create a $ Trillion of REAL money. Whether the US Treasury does this through coinage (very doubtful) or by issuing the $500 bill again, or some other D0llar denomination we have reached the point of the D0llar’s Repatriation where something needs to be done.

The game needs to be re-set again, much like it has every 40-years or so. For the last 40-years we’ve had the Petrol D0llar, for 40-years before that we had Bretton Woods, for the 40-years before that we had the British Pound, 40-years before that we had the Gold Standard and 40-years before that we had a Gold/Silver Standard. Fractional Reserve Banking can only last so long, until which time the game needs to start from scratch. We have reached that point in time.

As Thomas Jefferson so clearly pointed out, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered." Note what Jefferson is saying here; it’s not the money, the money is only the means to the power, but the power is the ownership of land and Corporations.

What is money anyway? Nothing actually, where is true wealth created? Owning Title to the land all around us, much like the Queen of England still claims Title to about a third of the land mass of the World. Remember the “Golden Rule?” He, who has the Gold, makes the rules. Clearly any new currency won’t be backed by Gold or Silver. It’s silly to think that money is backed by anything other than one’s ability to make you accept this money as payment of debt. It would appear to me that we have reached our French Revolution Moment, when the National Assembly declares money to be backed by the Land of the Church and created Assignats. It is through the collection of rent that true wealth is created, looks to me that we are all about to formerly become the collection of renters that we already are. Who today owns all the land? It is still the Kings and Queens of the World who control most of it.

I would think the drug dealers and money launderers would be demanding a $500 denomination in order to help stash their ill gotten gains. Be prepared for the reintroduction of the $500 bill and how fitting that the portrait of William McKinley will once again be on the $500 bill. McKinley was the last great defender of the Gold Standard; McKinley who hands the country over to Europe’s Banksters and throws the common man under the truck. McKinley trades the nation for Spain’s colonies and in exchange receives two bullets in the abdomen and misses dying on September 11th by three days. Why does so much historical upheaval happen in the September time period is beyond me?

Whatever denomination gets decided upon, historically this script will be released into circulation as payment to the troops. What better method is there then to give the currency to someone armed and can force you to accept this payment as legal tender? Continentals during the Revolution, Greenbacks during the War Between the States and the $2 bill during Vietnam find their way into circulation as payment to men in uniform. Banks will gladly accept a $500 bill, because their main clients the Drug Cartels are demanding a higher denomination than the $100 bill to help with the laundering of the cash. It would seem inflation has had its effect even in the Narco Trade.

So why is the US Petrol D0llar being Repatriated at such an alarming rate? First clearly the amount of money that needs to be borrowed to increase the money supply just isn’t there any longer. We have reached the point in the game where clearly the next war or country to be liberated can fight back. This means we are at a point where the death toll that gets created will exceed the ability of the ruling class to maintain their control. World War I shows the ruling class that unacceptable losses will easily throw them onto the streets along with the rest of the cattle and sheep. For the Banksters to continue they require a $10 trillion war and it’s just not in the cards. Why go through this chance when clearly the ruling class can maintain their control just by resetting the game.

What has happened that the Petrol D0llar has lost its luster? Fortunately for Mankind and unfortunately for Wall Street and London the amount of oil/gas trade involving these two Bourses has diminished. The rebirth of Russia through Russia’s Siberian pipelines to China and the rest of Asia along with the two Nordstream pipelines has lessened the grip that Wall Street and London had to manipulate the price of crude and natural gas, which were the lynchpins of the whole Petrol D0llar Cartel. Note the price of Natural Gas in particular right now in the middle of winter being sold at unheard of prices. Wall Street and London have also discovered that the Three Gorge Dam project and the rate of Nuclear power plants coming on line in China has reduced the demand for crude and hydro-carbons to the point the game can’t continue.

As Nixon killed Bretton Woods by closing the Gold window, Obama will have to close the Hydro-carbon window. What happens next is of course just speculation and I have given mine, a currency backed by Federal Land is what I would think will happen. If history is a guide we will know if the Banksters are onboard with this new game if Obama can survive a trip to a theater or a parade. For the new game to work, this new currency will have to be counterfeit proof. We will know the Banksters are in agreement if the new currency isn’t counterfeited. Lincoln put $400,000,000 Greenbacks into circulation during the War Between the States. Obviously the Bank of England took exception to this considering the Bank of England counterfeited every other Greenback in circulation. I would think today we will need something over a trillion d0llars to be issued to keep the game going. I would also think by 2015, this is all decided upon and implemented.

As foretold by the Saudis it would appear the Oil Age is coming to an end, just as the Stone Age ended not for lack of Stones, the Oil Age ends not for lack of Oil. Peace.