Monopoly, the Board Game, Getting Past Go & the Next Best Thing

11.03.13 00:11


Today we are a long way removed from Monopoly’s equal distribution of everyone starting the game with $1,500 and the buying, the building, adding houses and Hotels and the trading that goes along with the start of the game. The economic activity that occurs from the game’s beginning is quite remarkable. There is one basic fact that gets overlooked in the game of Monopoly and that is at the beginning of the game it is truly the Bank who owns everything and it is the Bank who issues the money to get the game started. At some point in the middle of the game the strong and weak hands start to show. The weak hands will start to trade not for their own gain, but to try and allow one of the stronger hands to win over the other. Jail for some will be the desirable place to stay; the lost rent of an opponent landing on your unmortgaged property is far less than the amount that will bankrupt you by landing on Boardwalk with a Hotel. Who knows, you might even get out and roll a ten, land on Free Parking and collect the winnings in the middle of the board and be back in the game. Even though this isn’t one of the rules to the game, it’s how we all play the game, which is the true beauty of Monopoly, just as in real life, the rules are made up and changed as the game gets played. Who really pays the Bank the 10% interest charge the rules tell you to pay in order to unmortgage the property when you take it out of mortgage? Who pays the 10% income tax on ALL your property? Just as in real life it would appear paying income tax is for suckers.

As the game progresses some players start to go bankrupt and leave the game, eventually there are only two players left playing the game and the others have gone home, started watching TV or what Hasbro the makers of the board game Monopoly worry about most, start playing a different game altogether. When it’s all said and done, who really is the winner of the game anyway? At the end of the game, aren’t all the houses, Hotels, property cards and cash returned to the Bank? The World today seems to have reached this point in the game. I would think the World is getting ready to declare a final winner to the game of Monopoly, isn’t Quantitative Easing nothing more than a return of all the property titles and cash to the Bank? Just as in Monopoly, isn’t the final winner of the game going to be all the Central Banksters of the World? I would have to think the Bankster’s today are most concerned about those who declared bankruptcy a decade or more ago and have started to play their own game. It would appear that Latin America has started playing a different game. The BRICSS nations certainly are trying their best to get a different game started. This is not only Hasbro’s concern, but the Central Bankers of the World’s concern as well.

I remember reading someplace that Her Queennest Liz has claimed Title to some 40% of the world’s landmass. I would have to speculate that between all the King’s, Queen’s, Sheiks, Lords, Robber Barron’s and their minions the Central Bankers that the World’s Land Titles are controlled by only a few. I know I own a little property and can claim Title to none, I don’t believe I know anyone who can truly claim Title to their property and even those who don’t owe the bank anything for their home have no mineral rights to what might lie beneath the surface of their property. I find it interesting to note that Bernieboy and his Federal Reserve rump ranger buddies are very busy indeed buying back Title. At the rate of $80 Billion with a “B” d0llars of Title being purchased every month I would have to think that pretty soon between the Federal Government’s land holdings and the Federal Conglomerate of Banks the amount of Title held between the two must be well over 90% of all the landmass in the United States. I can’t imagine this going on much longer before they can claim Title to everything. When it was all said and done didn’t the Great Depression accomplish anything more than to transfer of Title to the Federal Reserve and Her minion banksters? I believe Thomas Jefferson stated it best when he said; “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Well I think we all know that the People and their Federal Education will do nothing to restore to the People the ability to issue their own money.

Looking back it’s interesting to note what Wall Street, London, the Federal System with her Federal Bank, Federal Education and Cheerleader Media were able to accomplish with this most recent run of the World’s Monopoly Board Game. As it turns out, Dino Goo, Fossil Fuel and Finite Resources were nothing more than what this most recent version of Monopoly was played with, Petrol D0llars. Who would have guessed that the only thing Finite about limited resources was the control the World’s only superpower could exert over who could produce Hydrocarbons and what currency was used for the exchange of those Hydrocarbons. The “Oil Age” is truly coming to an end and just as Ahmed Zaki Yamani stated; “The Stone Age didnt end for lack of stone, and the oil age will end long before the world runs out of oil.”

The Lunacy required to keep this most recent game of Monopoly going was quite remarkable. Al-CIA-da was very busy creating a TV reality that did nothing but support the Petrol/Narco D0llar system that we have been living with these last 40-years. Friends become enemies and enemies become friends, three planes can knock down four buildings, a guy in a cave can terrorize 300-million cattle and thanks to this the World’s only super power can terrorize the world. George Orwell stated it best; "WAR IS PEACE," "FREEDOM IS SLAVERY," "IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH." The Ministry of Truth has been very busy.

So what is to become of Oceania’s decisive victory over Eurasia? It would seem the Proles will continue on as they always have, living in poverty and kept sedated with alcohol, pornography and a national lottery. Meanwhile, Big Brother, the Inner Party and the Outer Party need to start a new game.

We are reaching a point of full circle, the Feudal System will return with her Feudal Lords who are going to start collecting rent in a different form of currency, as the French Revolution proved with their Assignats Property backed form of currency that would be the direction we’re heading. We can return to the Dark Ages, created by the collapse of the Medici Florence Banking system, but there is no money to be made by the banksters doing that. This Petrol D0llar system has certainly been the Dark Ages of recent history. The $18 trillion of Federal Banking debt will need to reset, a new form of currency will be created, but the Monopoly Game will play on. There was a recent Federal Reserve Governor who simply stated; “At anytime a penny can become a nickel.” One needs to always remember, just as in Monopoly the rules of the game are subject to change at any time.

Hopefully the new game allows for a period of time where we can dream again of trips to the Moon, Mars and the solar system itself. In 2019 British troops will finally leave Germany, I would think that marks the year that the new Monopoly Game is well on its way. The Banksters would just like to say, “Thanks for playing.” TWT. Peace.

Source: by War and Peace

Posted by: Tet

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