Генерал США рассказал о перехвате самолёта коалиции в Сирии ВКС РФ

24.05.17 23:29

Ближний Восток

Командующий ВВС Центрального командования США (CENTCOM) генерал-лейтенант Джеффри Харригиан заявил, что российский самолёт осуществил перехват самолёта-заправщика коалиции во главе с США в Сирии.

"Это был истребитель, который взаимодействовал с одним из наших заправщиков… Не помню, был ли это Су-30 или Су-35", — цитирует Харригиана РИА Новости.

По словам генерала, это был "перехват", который он бы охарактеризовал как "непрофессиональный".

"Мы обсудили это с ними (российской стороной. — RT), и они потом признали это", — добавил Харригиан.

Ранее американские СМИ сообщили о пролёте истребителя ВКС России рядом с самолётом США.

Пресс-секретарь президента России Дмитрий Песков заявил, что Москва не считает манёвр Су-30 неоправданным риском.

Источник: RT

Редактор: Bred


25.05.17 00:44

Может пора уже того, сбить? Раз непрофессионально небезопасно летают, то до ЧП рукой подать.


25.05.17 07:20

Привыкание ЮСА к новой реальности происходит под аккомпонент рыданий нашей демшизы...


25.05.17 07:24

какую то КНДР опасаются и войны столько лет нету ,
а вот Россию совсем не боятся и пресуют ,провоцируют со всех сторон.
Долбанный театр для народа.


25.05.17 10:22

Оригинал брифинга - Ссылка

Q: You mentioned a couple of months ago -- you talked about how there were semi-regular, frequent interactions with the Russians in the air, whether it would be sort of a -- a close encounter, even if it wasnt unsafe, and that they happened every week or 10 days or so.

Are you still seeing that? And can you give us any recent examples? Are you seeing with this -- as youre operating sort of in closer proximity with the Russians in the air, have those increased?

GEN. HARRIGIAN: In short, no. I will share with you we had one incident where there was intercept they ran that I would categorize as unprofessional. And we called them on it, and expressed our concern. And they came back, quite frankly, and apologized for that particular intercept.

But beyond that, I would tell you that they have adhered to what weve asked them to do. And in general, have been responsive to our requests where weve worked through the specific nuances of what they were trying to do, versus what we needed to do. And so, largely, and Ill come back to kind of the situation weve been working through over the last couple of days, theyve been responsive and been receptive to what weve wanted them to do in a manner that has allowed us to continue to prosecute our fight.

So, in general, Id say there have been -- like I said, I can only think of one instance since you and I last talked that weve had any issues with them.

CAPT. DAVIS: Next to Lucas Tomlinson with Fox News.

Q: Hi, General. Can you tell us when that incident occurred? And what type of aircraft both on the Russian and coalition sides?

GEN. HARRIGIAN: Lets see. It was -- I know there was a fighter aircraft involved with one of our tankers. If you recall, I think when I saw Dan and Courtney out here back in the fall, we had had an incident at night with our AWACS. This particular one had to do with -- I cant remember if it was a SU-35 or a SU-30 involved with one of our KC-10s.

And, you know, basically there was again another intercept that I would put in the not-professional category. And we discussed it with them, and they came back and acknowledged it.

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